Author Archive

Evidence that squirrel bridges work

Friday, August 17th, 2018

Camera traps have shown that red squirrels are using a squirrel bridge built over the A896 in Wester Ross, Scotland. The bridge was installed by Trees for Life last June; evidence collected so far indicates the number of red squirrels killed on the roads in the area has declined. (The Scotsman, Trees for Life).

Red squirrel dies in abandoned plastic jar

Sunday, July 29th, 2018

The problems of plastic pollution and their horrific effects on the environment have been highlighted in recent months, with many examples of animals from whales, dolphins, fish and turtles to deer and birds that have been directly affected by discarded plastic. Recently, a red squirrel was found by a busy road in Scotland (A939 near […]

Red squirrels in Bangor, North Wales on the increase

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Despite an outbreak of squirrelpox virus (SPQV) in 2017, red squirrels in the city of Bangor in North Wales have increased in 2018. SQPV is carried by grey squirrels and invariably fatal to red squirrels (The Bangor Aye). Red Squirrels Trust Wales has embarked on a project (Painting the Town Red) to rid the city […]

Feasibility study published on the possible reintroduction of pine martens into the Forest of Dean in the west of England

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, The Vincent Wildlife Trust, and the Forestry Commission have published a report on the feasibility of reintroducing pine martens into the Forest of Dean in the county of Gloucestershire in the west of England. The Forest of Dean is ~110 square kilometres of mixed woodland and has a history of extensive tree […]

The Super Squirrels

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

The Super Squirrels is a BBC TV Natural World documentary programme first shown on 19th June 2018 and currently can be viewed on BBC iPlayer until 18th July. It covers why squirrels (tree squirrels, flying squirrels, ground squirrels) are such a widespread and successful group of mammals. The programme includes items on squirrel caching behaviour and their […]

International Squirrel Colloquium 2018, June 4th – June 8th

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

A reminder that the 8th International Colloquium on Squirrels, will take place soon, from June 4th to June 8th 2018 in NUI Galway on the west Coast of Ireland. A draft programme with details of keynote speakers and all oral presentations is now available.

Red Squirrels In my Garden

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

A new book written by Craig Shuttleworth and Liz Halliwell called Red Squirrels In My Garden and published by the European Squirrel Initiative is now available as an e-book PDF and can be downloaded here. Building on their wide experience of studying red squirrels, and particularly in recent years on the Isle of Anglesey and more widely […]

Reintroducing pine martens to help conserve native red squirrels in Britain and Ireland

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

A recent article by Iloma Amos in The Scotsman discusses how releasing pine martens can help keep numbers of alien grey squirrels down, which in turn allows native red squirrels to prosper.

Whole-genome data from tree squirrel species required

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Can you help? Nancy Moncrief from the Virginia Museum of Natural History, USA carries out research on the morphology and genetics of North American Sciurus tree squirrels. Nancy is currently looking at a whole-genome study on Sciurus carolinensis and S. niger and is seeking data from a third tree squirrel species. but there is nothing on Genbank. So, if […]

More evidence that the spread of pine martens may help red squirrels in Britain

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

A recent paper by Emma Sheehy and colleagues (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2018) has provided empirical evidence that, as pine martens extend their range in the north of Britain, alien grey squirrel numbers fall. In contrast, native red squirrel populations are not affected and can recover from the competitive effects of […]