Author Archive

Red squirrel conservation in the north of England

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Red Squirrels Northern England (RSNE) is a red squirrel conservation partnership in the north of England, principally in Cumbria, Northumberland, Merseyside, Lancashire, north-west Durham and the Yorkshire Dales. Visit their web site if you want to join a red squirrel group, send in a sighting or find out where to see red squirrels in these regions.

Les écureuils en France – new web site

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

A new website has been launched about squirrels in France – Les écureuils en France. It not only covers information about the native red squirrel but also alien invaders such as the red-bellied squirrel and the Siberian chipmunk.  The site also makes the point that the alien North American grey squirrel introduced into Italy is not that […]

Evolutionary history of tree squirrels

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

A recent paper published by Pečnerová & Martínková in Zoologica Scripta (see Publications page) using phylogenetic reconstruction shows that tree squirrels evolved in the Northern Hemisphere with the first group to diverge from a common ancestor being Tamiasciurus followed by Sciurus in the Palaearctic and Reithrosciurus in Indo-Malayasia. Thereafter overland colonisation resulted in the present-day […]

Subscribe to the red squirrel newsletter

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

To keep up to date with European news about red squirrels, sign up for the newsletter .

Plan to cull grey squirrels in North Wales

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Friends of the Anglesey Red Squirrels (FARS) are planning to cull large numbers of grey squirrels in the area between Bangor and the Ogwen Valley. Red squirrels have spread from Anglesey to the Mainland as a result if the intensive conservation measures carried out on the island by Craig Shuttleworth and colleagues largely involving removing […]

Monitoring squirrel populations using camera traps

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Following extensive trials of camera trap locations, settings and protocols at Edinburgh Botanical gardens in 2009, a two year research project is now under way in Cumbria to test the use of camera traps for red squirrel monitoring. The Queen Mary, London University led research project by John Gurnell, Corrie Bruemmer and Peter Lurz investigates […]

The 4th Announcement of the 6th International Colloquium on Arboreal

Monday, September 26th, 2011

The 4th Announcement of the 6th International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels has been posted on the colloquium website will full details of abstract submission, registration, accommodation, access and travel information and excursions. A poster is also available.

3rd Announcement of the 6th International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels

Friday, August 26th, 2011

The 6th International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels will be held in Kyoto City, Japan, from 4th to 8th February, 2012. The colloquium is held every 3 years; previous veues have been U.S.A (1994), U.S.A. (2000), England (2003), India (2006), and Canada (2009). These meetings cover any aspect of the biology of tree and flying squirrels from all over […]

EC-SQUARE – The conservation of the European red squirrel; protecting the species from competition from the introduced American grey squirrel

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Recently, a project with European funding started in Italy with the principal aim of eliminating or managing the risks posed by the introduction of the alien grey squirrel from North America, and with particular respect to conserving the native red squirrel. Full details of the project can be found on the dedicated EC-SQUARE web site.

6th International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels in Kyoto, Japan in 2012: dates now fixed

Monday, February 28th, 2011

The orgnaisers have announced the dates and location for the 6th International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels to be held in Kyoto, Japan in 2012. Presentations will take place from the morning of 4th February (Saturday) to noon on 8th February (Wednsday) (see Colloquium website). All oral and poster presentations will be made at the conference hall at […]