
Squirrel sightings

Monday, September 27th, 2004

In the past SquirrelWeb has received sightings of squirrels that are unusually coloured. For example, recently we have received a report of a light creamy beige coloured ‘grey’ squirrel with a white underside, and only a hint of grey on its tail, from London, Ontario, Canada from Elisa Knight, and on 30th June this year […]

SquirrelWeb Relaunched

Thursday, September 9th, 2004

SquirrelWeb has been relaunched, bigger, better and more squirrelly than ever! Additions include the new FAQ, Gallery and Equipment pages and an all-new look and feel. Be sure to check the About page to see how you can help! We especially want questions for the FAQpage and pictures for the Gallery to get them rolling!